Save a life lab

Our first design was not successful because we put too much foam on the torso, but on our second attempt we added some to the head and took some from the torso. If we could have improved in some way it would probably adding some foam to the arms for better flotation. The “life jacket” added more volume which let the man float. The lab overall was a great experience and got the point across very well.

first blog post

I love music (rock/metal), I have 4 Bose 201’s, two Sony’s, two Panasonic’s, one RCA, and one Pioneer amp.

I love shooting, Im ok with a 12 gauge shotgun, I am amazing with a 22 bolt action rifle.

I had a cat who passed a few years ago.

I can hook up a amazing speaker system (just text me or something)

I have three sisters (two are step sisters)


1 brother.

4 nieces.

5 nephews

I love roller coaster parks (bush gardens and ceder point is my favorite)